⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:10-20:35 at Online Track 2
AI has proven to be of tremendous effectiveness in solving problems across many different domains, but the AI applications in many industrial scenarios often require data from secluded environments not easily accessible, and effective model trainings often require labeling that needs professional domain know-how's.
Advantech WISE-PaaS, a cross-IaaS industrial IoT data platform for enabling industrial IoT cloud service powered with AI, is designed to facilitate both data collection and real time streaming from industrial edges and AI model trainings and deployment back to industrial fields. Through the ecosystem collaboration and Co-Creation Model, Advantech looks forward to endorsing the implementation of IIoT across a variety of industries and use the WISE-PaaS IoT software platform as a catalyst to enable more innovative win-win AIoT solutions.
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楊瑞祥 (Allan) 於 2014 年加入研華科技擔任技術長,負責帶領團隊建立 WISE-PaaS AIoT 工業物聯網雲平台,以研華全球領先的工業電腦邊緣運算與數據採集模塊為基礎,延伸發展可跨雲移動的產業數據平台與低代碼應用框架服務,協助各產業策略夥伴以數據驅動創新架構進行 AIoT 數位轉型。
WISE-PaaS AIoT 工業物聯網雲平台已有許多指標用戶導入,產業遍及電子,半導體,鋼鐵,紡織,機械,水泥,物流,綠能,醫療,零售等。從現場數據採集串流,邊緣運算及時處理,數據導入雲架構數據湖,再以可視化,結構化,AI 化三階層作資料價值擷取,協助產業客戶大批量訓練及佈署各種產業 AI 推論引擎到邊緣現場,並持續收集現場例外資料,線上再訓練再校準推論引擎提升 AI 自適化,成功快速建構有效的 AIoT 解決方案。Allan 自台大電機工程系畢業後,取得耶魯大學電腦科學博士學位。
曾於 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Prudential Securities New York City、Tiger Management LLC、日盛證券、圓剛科技等公司服務,加入研華前為圓剛科技總經理。Allan 相信 AIoT 將主導新一波的各行業再次數位轉型,然而人工智慧結合物聯網技術將如何被有效快速的導入產業,針對各垂直產業深度價值提供相應的產業聚焦 AIoT 工業雲服務將成為關鍵。
因此 Allan 希望藉由研華扎實的技術基礎及創新的研發及產業行銷平台,與生態系中各產業夥伴共創成功的 AIoT 解決方案。
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