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cacaFly 聖洋科技


cacaFly, the branch company under funP.com, is the leader of digital advertising in Taiwan. Our mission is to position ourselves at the cutting edge of digital marketing and to provide customers with the best solutions.

cacaFly provides the most complete media mix to help clients achieve marketing objectives by offering effective and high-performing campaigns through strategic planning, optimization and analysis. Our exclusively developed intelligent ad optimization platform, ad network and data analysis platform ensure we have real-time statistics and data across different industries. Customers are also able to obtain Social and creative marketing solutions or match up with the influencers through our KOL center, opening up more possibility of their own brand.

cacaFly 聖洋科技隸屬 funP 雲沛創新集團,於 2009 年成立,為台灣社群行銷的領導品牌。

cacaFly 深耕市場多年,擁有超過200位以上通過認證的專業媒體行銷大軍,協助客戶在數位領域開疆闢土,專業技能涵蓋社群、創意企劃、媒體整合、數據分析、趨勢預測,靈活運用各媒體優勢,提供領先市場的行銷策略,為品牌發展創造更多的可能性。

cacaFly 持續以最具前瞻性的觀點,洞悉瞬息萬變的數位浪潮,與市場趨勢無縫接軌;以媒體科技發展為核心,為客戶開拓數位行銷新視野。

  • 聯絡人:王禮筠
  • Email:daisy.wang@cacafly.com
  • 電話:02- 6631-5699 #695