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遠傳電信股份有限公司 Far EasTone Telecommunications


Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET) is a leading company in Taiwan which provides telecommunications and digital application services. Since its establishment in 1997, FET has strived to close the gap between people to achieve the objective of “Closing the distance”. As the 5G era approaches, FET has set its sights beyond telecommunications and has reinterpreted the brand statement in 2019, setting a new milestone with " For Every Thought, We Go Further". FET’s aim is, through Big Data, AI, IoT and other digital applications, to not only bring people closer together in mind, also to reduce the gap between people and new technology.

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身為國內資通訊與數位應用服務先驅,遠傳電信以卓越的網路技術、創新的數位服務、便捷的企業應用,提供各類切合用戶需求的優質產品與服務,網路品質多次獲第三方公正單位肯定,致力以科技拉近人與人之間的距離,實現「只有遠傳 沒有距離」的品牌承諾。遠傳電信一路超前部署,2016年領先業界設立全台第一家5G實驗室、2018年成立5G先鋒隊。2020年,遠傳電信與近百家5G生態系策略合作夥伴共同宣布5G商轉,持續透過「大人物」(大數據、人工智慧、物聯網)以及雲端技術,落實全新品牌宣言「靠得更近 想得更遠」,成為消費者、企業客戶的最佳數位夥伴。

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  • 聯絡人:Grant Chiu
  • email:hsichchiu@fareastone.com.tw