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InfuseAI 工合股份有限公司


InfuseAI builds PrimeHub, an open-source MLOps platform. PrimeHub equips enterprises with consistent yet flexible tools to develop, train, and deploy ML models at scale. By improving the iterative process of data science, data teams can collaborate and innovate better. InfuseAI is trusted by research institutes and clients in industries including FSI, manufacturing, and healthcare.

InfuseAI 工合股份有限公司成立於 2018 年 6 月,提供 MLOps 平台 PrimeHub,涵蓋 AI 模型開發、訓練管理,到營運面的部署和監控,透過自動化工作流程,幫助資料團隊加速建構和部署 AI 模型。InfuseAI 客戶包含金融業、製造業、醫療業以及研究機構等。

  • 聯絡人:Arron Wu 吳明榮
  • Email:business@infuseai.io
  • 電話:02-6604-0706#200