⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 21:10-21:35 at Online Track 3
My presentation will start with an overview of Quanta's smart medical related products. As an R&D leader, I will then share the development process of these products, which includes "A": algorithm, "B": big data, "C": cloud, as well as "D": device. The presentation will conclude with how and why that we think as an IT R&D engineers, we could make some contribution to the medical industry by our AI technologies.
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宋振華,國立交通大學博士,曾擔任哈佛大學訪問學者、工研院資通所正工程師,經理等職務,目前於廣達電腦擔任協理,有超過 20 年軟體研發的業界資歷。並曾獲得中國工程師學會「優秀青年工程師獎」,潘文淵基金會「考察研究獎」等多項專業獎項的肯定。
基於 IT 軟硬體技術研發實力,廣達電腦期望為台灣醫療環境量身打造一套人工智慧醫療雲運算整合平台,結合醫療資訊、人工智慧技術與雲端運算技術,將 AI 技術與醫療研究結合,將可協助提升智慧醫療的效率與準確性,更進一步能夠協助醫療研究人員在醫學研究上能有更深更廣的突破,進一步推動智慧醫療在臨床上的建置與應用。
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