VIP / Speakers

The World Wide Voice Web (WWvW)

Monica Lam / Professor / Computer Science, Stanford Univesity

Monica Lam is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University since 1988. She is the faculty director of the Open Virtual Assistant Lab (OVAL). She received a B.Sc. from University of British Columbia in 1980 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1987.

Monica is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Fellow. She is a co-author of the popular text Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition), also known as the Dragon book.

Professor Lam's current research is on conversational virtual assistants with an emphasis on privacy protection. Her research uses deep learning to map task-oriented natural language dialogues into formal semantics, represented by a new executable programming language called ThingTalk. Her Almond virtual assistant, trained on open knowledge graphs and IoT API standards, can be easily customized to perform new tasks.

She is leading an Open Virtual Assistant Initiative to create the largest, open, crowdsourced language semantics model to promote open access in all languages. Her decentralized Almond virtual assistant that supports fine-grain sharing with privacy has received Popular Science's Best of What's New Award in Security in 2019. Prof. Lam is also an expert in compilers for high-performance machines. Her pioneering work of affine partitioning provides a unifying theory to the field of loop transformations for parallelism and locality. Her software pipelining algorithm is used in commercial systems for instruction level parallelism. Her research team created the first, widely adopted research compiler, SUIF. Her contributions in computer architecture include the CMU Warp Systolic Array and the Stanford DASH Distributed Memory Multiprocessor.

She was on the founding team of Tensilica, now a part of Cadence. She received an NSF Young Investigator award in 1992, the ACM Most Influential Programming Language Design and Implementation Paper Award in 2001, an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award in 2002, and the ACM Programming Language Design and Implementation Best Paper Award in 2004.

She was the author of two of the papers in "20 Years of PLDI--a Selection (1979-1999)", and one paper in the "25 Years of the International Symposia on Computer Architecture". She received the University of British Columbia Computer Science 50th Anniversary Research Award in 2018, and an ASPLOS Influential Paper Award in 2021.

Codesign from Semiconductors to AI

Cliff Young / Software Engineer / Google

Cliff Young is a software engineer in Google Research, where he works on codesign for deep learning accelerators.

He is one of the designers of Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) and one of the founders of the MLPerf benchmark.

Previously, Cliff built special-purpose supercomputers for molecular dynamics at D. E. Shaw Research and was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs.

Cliff holds AB, MS, and PhD degrees in computer science from Harvard University. Cliff is a member of ACM and IEEE.

The Future of Data-Centric AI

Alex Ratner / Co-founder and CEO / Snorkel AI

Alex Ratner is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Washington, and co-founder and CEO of Snorkel AI, Inc. (

Prior to UW and Snorkel AI, he completed his PhD in CS advised by Christopher Ré at Stanford, where his research focused on applying data management and statistical learning techniques to emerging machine learning workflows such as creating and managing training data, and his AB in Physics at Harvard.

Assistive Intelligence: Alignment and Accountability

TANG Feng (Audrey TANG) / Digital Minister / Executive Yuan, Taiwan

Audrey Tang is Taiwan’s digital minister in charge of Social Innovation. Audrey is known for revitalizing the computer languages Perl and Haskell, as well as building the online spreadsheet system EtherCalc in collaboration with Dan Bricklin.

In the public sector, Audrey served on Taiwan national development council's open data committee and the 12-year basic education curriculum committee; and led the country's first e-Rulemaking project.

In the private sector, Audrey worked as a consultant with Apple on computational linguistics, with Oxford University Press on crowd lexicography, and with Socialtext on social interaction design.

In the social sector, Audrey actively contributes to g0v ("gov zero"), a vibrant community focusing on creating tools for the civil society, with the call to "fork the government."

唐鳳,自 2016 年 10 月 1 日起擔任行政院數位政務委員,負責「開放政府」、「社會創新」與「青年參與」等三項業務,透過「從自己辦公室做起」的方式,向事務官同仁們示範如何運用數位科技,達到簡化行政作業流程、提升討論及決策品質與透明度之目標。


另外,唐鳳也是「g0v 零時政府」網路社群的專案貢獻者,並積極參與線上法規討論平台 vTaiwan 的相關活動,希望透過多元溝通管道的建立,協助產出符合多方利益關係人期待、也更貼近實際需求的法規內容。


オードリー・タンは台湾のソーシャル・イノベーション担当のデジタル大臣である。 オードリーは、コンピューター言語である Perl と Haskell を再活性化させ、同時にダン・ブルックリン氏と共同でオンライン・スプレッド・シートである EtherCalc を構築したことで知られている。



社会的部門では、"fork the government."(政府の再構築)を合言葉に、市民社会実現の為の創造的ツールに焦点を当てた活気あるコミュニティである g0v(ガバメント・ゼロ)に積極的に貢献している。

Trends of AI: An Industrial Perspective.

Lee-Feng Chien / Director / Appier and iKala

Dr. Lee-Feng Chien is well known for leading the Google Taiwan branch from the ground up to become one of the biggest Google R&D centers with thousands of employees.

He joined Google in 2006 and became the first employee and managing director of the Taiwan branch.

He has led the R&D teams in Taipei, Beijing and Hong Kong, responsible for Chinese search, ChromeOS and other products, and retired in 2020. Prior to joining Google, he was a research fellow and deputy director of the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and co-appointed professor of the Information Management Department of National Taiwan University. He received his Ph.D. in CS&IE from National Taiwan University in 1991.

His academic research expertise includes Chinese information retrieval, natural language processing. He has published more than one hundred papers in top-tier academic conferences and journals, and is an early contributor in these fields.

After retiring from Google, he continues to participate in the international development of Taiwan's startups, including serving as the director of AI startups such as Appier/iKala, of which Appier just went public in Tokyo this year and became Taiwan's first tech unicorn.