VIP / Speakers

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  • Deep Learning HW Design

    Albert Liu

    劉峻誠為 Kneron 創辦人暨執行長,於 2015 年在美國聖地牙哥創辦耐能。自台灣國立成功大學畢業後,獲得美國雷神公司(Raytheon)獎學金和加州大學獎學金,赴美深造,就讀美國加州大學柏克萊、洛杉磯與聖地牙哥分校的共同研究計劃碩博班,之後取得加州大學 (UCLA) 電子工程博士學位。

    劉峻誠先後在高通、三星電子研發中心、晨星半導體(MStar)和 Wireless Info 等企業擔任不同的研發和管理職務。於高通任職期間,領導研發團隊獲得 9 個核心技術專利,榮獲公司的 ImpaQt 研發大獎。

    劉峻誠曾受邀在加州大學開授計算機視覺技術與人工智慧講座課程,也是諸多國際知名學術期刊的技術審稿人,在人工智慧、電腦視覺和影像處理領域擁有超過 30 餘項國際專利,先後在國際重要期刊發表 70 餘篇論文,其出版有《深度學習 - 硬體設計》與《認識人工智慧 第四波工業革命》二書,在國內外受眾多知名大專院校採用,並於 2020 年榮獲第 58 屆十大傑出青年與傑出資訊人才獎。``🌟 劉峻誠``Albert Liu````Founder and CEO``Deep Learning HW Design``Kneron``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:10-20:35 at Online Track 1

  • Industrial Digital Tran...

    Allan Yang

    楊瑞祥 (Allan) 於 2014 年加入研華科技擔任技術長,負責帶領團隊建立 WISE-PaaS AIoT 工業物聯網雲平台,以研華全球領先的工業電腦邊緣運算與數據採集模塊為基礎,延伸發展可跨雲移動的產業數據平台與低代碼應用框架服務,協助各產業策略夥伴以數據驅動創新架構進行 AIoT 數位轉型。

    WISE-PaaS AIoT 工業物聯網雲平台已有許多指標用戶導入,產業遍及電子,半導體,鋼鐵,紡織,機械,水泥,物流,綠能,醫療,零售等。從現場數據採集串流,邊緣運算及時處理,數據導入雲架構數據湖,再以可視化,結構化,AI 化三階層作資料價值擷取,協助產業客戶大批量訓練及佈署各種產業 AI 推論引擎到邊緣現場,並持續收集現場例外資料,線上再訓練再校準推論引擎提升 AI 自適化,成功快速建構有效的 AIoT 解決方案。Allan 自台大電機工程系畢業後,取得耶魯大學電腦科學博士學位。

    曾於 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Prudential Securities New York City、Tiger Management LLC、日盛證券、圓剛科技等公司服務,加入研華前為圓剛科技總經理。Allan 相信 AIoT 將主導新一波的各行業再次數位轉型,然而人工智慧結合物聯網技術將如何被有效快速的導入產業,針對各垂直產業深度價值提供相應的產業聚焦 AIoT 工業雲服務將成為關鍵。

    因此 Allan 希望藉由研華扎實的技術基礎及創新的研發及產業行銷平台,與生態系中各產業夥伴共創成功的 AIoT 解決方案。``🌟 楊瑞祥``Allan Yang````CTO``Industrial Digital Transformation with AIoT and WISE-PaaS``Advantech``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:10-20:35 at Online Track 2

  • How 5G and AI are Power...

    Allen Lu
    Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technology Group,MediaTek Inc.
    Dr. Lu is the Senior Director of Computing and Artificial intelligence Technology Group at MediaTek. He is responsible for the ML/DL algorithm/tool development for mobile phone, camera, tablet, and TV products. The application covers video and image object detection, picture quality enhancement, noise reduction, etc. Prior to MediaTek, Dr. Lu served as the General Manager of Video IoT (iVoT) Business Unit at Novatek. He was responsible for business and technology planning and execution. iVoT is the leader in dash cam market over years. In 2017, iVoT developed the first SoC integrating deep learning accelerator with 4K-resolution ISP (image signal processing) and video codec for surveillance camera. The SoC replaced the discrete solution and achieve a commercial success. Prior to Novatek, Dr. Lu funded Afatek, a fabless company developing RF, digital modulator, and demodulator chips. Afatek developed the first silicon integrating RF front-end with demodulator for digital TV in 2006, and subsequently developed the first silicon integrating RF front-end with multi-standard modulator for surveillance application. Afatek was acquired by iTE in 2008. Dr. Lu worked in Silicon Valley from 1997-2002. He joined the Excess Bandwidth Corp. funded by Stanford professors specializing in signal processing. He was responsible for the communication front-end and circuit-design. The start-up delivered the best performance symmetrical high speed

    DSL (SHDSL) modem prototype in six months. They subsequently developed integrated chipset for SHDSL modem in twelve months. Excess Bandwidth Corp. was acquired by Virata Corp (now Conexant) in 2000. Dr. Lu was a member of technical staff at Hewlett Packard prior to Excess Bandwidth. Dr. Lu received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.

    He led two projects in WDM MAN and LAN testbed development funded by Sprint and ARPA. He published more than 30 papers in the optical communication and photonic switching fields.``🌟 陸忠立``Allen Lu````Senior Director``How 5G and AI are Powering Our Intelligent Future``Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technology Group,MediaTek Inc.``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 20:20-20:45 at Online Track 2

  • The Application of AI W...

    Antoine Chen
    Everbiz Industrial Co., Ltd.


    現在就讀台科大 EDBA、東吳科法、台大 EMBA,著有”AIoT 數位轉型在中小製造企業的實踐”、”EZ Palm 程式設計”,IPC-A-620 講師、工研院和中國科技大學講師。``🌟 陳泳睿``Antoine Chen````General Manager``The Application of AI Wire Harness Manufacturing (20:40~20:55)``Everbiz Industrial Co., Ltd.``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:35-21:00 at Online Track 3

  • Artificial Intelligence...

    Brian Yang
    funP Group

    Brian Yang is the cofounder of funP Group, a VC-backed digital marketing group based in Taiwan with operations in Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan and Indonesia.

    funP Groups owns both, a leading marketing consultancy and, a RTB (Real Time Bidding) Martech platform which is the exclusive tech partner for Gojek, the Indonesia super app worth USD 20 billon.

    Brian Yang holds electrical engineering degree from National Chiao Tung University and MBA from Cambridge University.``🌟 楊志偉``Brian Yang````Cofounder & CSO``Artificial Intelligence, Real Money:AI and deep learning in Martech``funP Group``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:35-21:00 at Online Track 2

  • Productionizing AI and ...

    Chia-Liang Kao

    ⾼嘉良 (clkao) 是開放⽂化基⾦會董事、 g0v 台灣零時政府共同發起⼈。1997 年⾼嘉良參加國際資訊奧林匹亞後,進入台⼤資訊系就讀,即活躍於國內外開放源碼社群,隨後旅居英國倫敦從事軟體開發及顧問⼯作。

    2012 年他與社群夥伴共同發起 g0v 計畫,以開源軟體推動開放資料及開放政府運動,並投入開放國會、中央政府總預算視覺化等專案, 八年來吸引超過五千⼈次參與關注公⺠精神的 g0v ⿊客松。

    台灣公⺠科技與開放協作的經驗,在 COVID-19 期間,扮演⼝罩地圖政府與⺠間的重要資訊匯集與協作場域,使「台灣製造」的「開源社會⼒」成為世界關注焦點。

    g0v 社群開創出台灣公⺠社會與政府互動的新模式,於 2015 年獲頒資訊榮譽獎章。2018 年,g0v 社群獲頒世界歷史最悠久的「林茲電⼦藝術⼤獎」電⼦社群優異獎,是台灣第⼀個獲得此殊榮的社群。

    2018 年創業成立 InfuseAI,協助包括台灣⼈⼯智慧學校、⾦融業、製造業等導入 AI,加速企業 AI 落地。``🌟 高嘉良``Chia-Liang Kao````Chief Executive Officer``Productionizing AI and MLOps``InfuseAI``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 20:45-21:10 at Online Track 3

  • Self-Driving Vehicles T...

    Chieh-Chih (Bob) Wang

    Chieh-Chih (Bob) Wang received his B.S. and M.S. from National Taiwan University, and received his Ph.D. in Robotics from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.

    Bob was an Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Fellow of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems and the Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney from 2004 to 2005.

    He was with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia at National Taiwan University from 2005 to 2015.

    Dr. Wang worked at the Special Projects Group of Apple Inc from 2015 to 2016. He is currently a professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University and the Chief Digital Officer at Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Research Laboratories (MMSL), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

    Dr. Wang received the best conference paper awards at 2003 IEEE ICRA and 2010 TAAI, the best reviewer award at 2007 ACCV, NTU Teaching Excellence Award in 2014, ITRI MMSL Outstanding Innovation Awards in 2018 and 2019, and ITRI Outstanding Research Award in 2019.

    His research interests include robotics, self-driving vehicles, machine perception and machine learning. ``🌟 王傑智``Chieh-Chih (Bob) Wang````Professor``Self-Driving Vehicles Testing and Operation on Public Roads in Taiwan``ECE, NYCU``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 21:10-21:35 at Online Track 1

  • Retrospect and Prospect...

    Chien Chen-Fu
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

    現職:國立清華大學清華講座教授暨美光講座教授 (Micron Chair Professor) 科技部 人工智慧製造系統(AIMS) 研究中心 主任 國立清華大學 智慧製造跨院高階主管碩士在職專班 主任 國立清華大學 智慧製造與循環經濟研究中心 主任 臻鼎科技 - 清華大學聯合研究中心 主任 中國工業工程學會(CIIE, Taiwan)理事長 國立清華大學決策分析研究室(Decision Analysis Lab)主持教授 學歷與訓練:1996 威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 決策科學與作業研究博士 1994 威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 工業工程碩士 1990 國立清華大學工業工程系暨電機工程系雙學位(斐陶斐榮譽會員) 2007 哈佛大學商學院 PCMPCL Executive Training 經歷:專注決策分析、大數據分析、智能製造等研究領域,透過產學合作研究,以解決產業問題創造具體價值,並培育結合理論和實務的人才。

    簡禎富教授於 2005-2008 年間借調至台積電擔任工業工程處副處長、台積電、聯發科、台達電、友達光電顧問、清華 - 台積電卓越製造中心主持人,並曾任國立清華大學主任秘書、副研發長兼首任產學合作執行長、國科會固本精進計畫推動辦公室總主持人、科技部工業工程與管理學門召集人,發表超過 190 篇學術期刊論文 (Google 論文總引用 7084 次,H-index 42),榮獲 IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2015 年最佳論文獎、IEEE Trans. on Automation Sciences & Engineering 2011 年最佳論文獎,取得 24 項智慧製造發明專利;著有《工業 3.5:台灣企業邁向智慧製造與數位決策的戰略》(2020 科技部工程技術最具影響力研究專書獎、經濟部金書獎)《大數據分析與資料挖礦》《決策分析與管理》《半導體製造技術與管理》等書,撰寫台積電、聯發科、創意電子等 12 篇哈佛管理個案,並主編《創業清華》《清華百人會》《產業工程與管理個案》 協助台灣產業轉型升級,創造產業價值,頂級學術期刊 Nature 專訪報導 (2020, Vol.577);連續名列史丹福大學調查作業研究領域世界排名前 2% 學者(PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918)。

    簡禎富教授曾榮獲第 17 屆國家新創獎 (2020)、科技部未來科技突破獎(2019)、行政院傑出科技貢獻獎(2016)、行政院國家品質獎研究類個人獎(2012)、科技部三次傑出研究獎(2016、2011、2007)、國科會第一級計畫主持人獎、優秀年輕學者研究計畫 、經濟部大學產業經濟貢獻獎個人獎(2009) 、教育部產學合作研究獎(2003)、第 25 屆東元科技獎 (2018)、中國工業工程學會理事長、會士、APIEMS Fellow、科技管理學會院士、傑出工程教授(2010)、工業工程獎章:產業貢獻(2010) 和學術貢獻 (2016)、工程論文獎(2003)、呂鳳章獎章(2003)、工業工程論文獎(2003) ,國立清華大學三次傑出產學合作獎(2019、 2016、2007)、產學績優教師、績優技轉教師獎、智財商化績優教師等,國科會《學與致用》(2007) 九個典範之一;亦應邀於天下經濟論壇(2017, 2019) 演講、電視專訪和國內外學術研討會和產業論壇發表主題演講。``🌟 簡禎富``Chien Chen-Fu````Tsing Hua Chair Professor``Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan AI Research Centers``Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University``⏱️ 10/6 (Wed.) 19:15-20:20 at Online Track 1

  • Advancing to Full-Brain...

    Ching-Yung Lin
    Graphen Inc.

    Dr. Ching-Yung Lin is the CEO of Graphen, Inc. since 2017 and an Adjunct Professor in the Depts. of EECS in Columbia University since 2005. Graphen’s mission is to build a novel full-brain AI platform to solve industry challenges in Finance, Medical, Automotive, Energy, and Cybersecurity.

    Before founding Graphen, he was the IBM Chief Scientist, specialized in Graph Computing, and created the Network Science and Machine Intelligence department at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Dr. Lin was named an IEEE Fellow in Nov 2011, the first in the area of Network Science.

    He was also an Adjunct Professor in NYU, 2014, and in Univ. of Washington, 2003-2009. Inspired by human’s brain being a network of billions of nodes, his research interest has been on realizing Artificial Intelligence of full brain functioning via fundamental R&D breakthrough.

    He led several large-scale global AI projects of 30~120 researchers in the last 20 years, including then the largest US social media monitoring project of researchers from Columbia, CMU, Northeastern, Northwestern, UC Berkeley, Stanford Research Institute, Rutgers, Minnesota, and NMU, and projects for the governments and industries in US, EU, China, Russia, and Southeastern Asia. Dr. Lin was invited as a keynote or plenary speaker in 70+ conferences, including a panel speaker together with the White House Chief Data Scientist in the interim annual American Medical Association meeting in 2015.

    He was invited to speak in US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, US FINRA. He was the Chair of IEEE CAS Multimedia TC 2009-10 and the General Chair of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo 2009.

    In 2003, he initiated and led 111 researchers in 23 worldwide institutes on video annotation to pave the foundation of Machine Learning in Computer Vision. His webpage was the Top 1 search result of Baidu search on Big Data Analytics 2015-2017. Dr. Lin's works won 7 best paper awards and were featured 4 times by the BusinessWeek magazine, including being the Top Story of the Week in May 2009.

    In 2010, IBM Exploratory Research Career Review selected Dr. Lin as a researcher in the category of "most likely to have the greatest scientific impact for IBM and the world.”``🌟 林清詠``Ching-Yung Lin````CEO``Advancing to Full-Brain Artificial Intelligence``Graphen Inc.``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 18:05-18:30 at Online Track 1

  • Challenges of Developin...

    Chomin Chiu

    現職:昆桐科技股份有限公司 總經理

    專長:30 年的產品設計 & 現場製程與製造經驗,產品設計、專案管理、企業營運管理

    經歷:天心工業股份有限公司製造 & 開發部經理、台灣人工智慧學校台中分校第一期經理人班結訓``🌟 邱聰明``Chomin Chiu````General Manager``Challenges of Developing Smart Manufacturing Factories (20:25~20:40)``KUEN TONG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:10-20:35 at Online Track 3

  • Digital Transformation ...

    Darren Chen
    Machan International Co., Ltd.



    經歷:1. 中央大學機械所碩士 2.17 年研發與生產管理經驗 3. 上銀科技生產事業群協理 4. 第 34 屆國家傑出經理人(生產經理) 5. 台灣人工智慧學校台中分校第三期經理人班結訓``🌟 陳琮仁``Darren Chen````General Manager``Digital Transformation for Traditional Manufacturing (20:10~20:25)``Machan International Co., Ltd.``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 21:00-21:25 at Online Track 3

  • Tiny yet powerful: Hard...

    David Hsu

    David Hsu is FAE Director of Arm, leading FAE team of Taiwan for closer collaboration and communications internally and externally to accomplish partners and customers solutions.

    He has nearly 20 years of professional experience in the semiconductor industry.David Hsu joined Arm in 2011 as a CPU FAE as well as responsible for product marketing and sales project management and then left in 2017.

    After then, he joined Intelligo, a start-up invested by MediaTek, leading the business development team to explore opportunities in Japan, Korea and US. In 2019 he was recruited by Arm again as FAE director to drive Arm’s IP solutions adoption.

    In addition to Arm, David worked at Faraday, Alpha Imaging Technology (MediaTek subsidiary) and BenQ, focusing on IC design work ranging from architecture definition, RTL coding, front-end/back-end implementation to IC verification and testing.

    He has rich experience in pre-sales strategy set-up and sales enablement. David received a master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering at National Chiao Tung University.``🌟 徐達勇``David Hsu````FAE Director``Tiny yet powerful: Hardware for TinyML``Arm``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:25-18:50 at Online Track 1

  • Opportunities and Limit...

    Friedman Wang
    Head of Data, R&D, CTBC BANK

    自 2019 年起負責中信金控數據規劃與 AI 科技研發業務,研發成果於外部得到美國 NIST 機構與國際各大學術機構認證具備領先性與創新性,其整合科技落地金融應用的商轉業務模式也屢得 Gartner、IDC 與 WCIT 等全球創新獎項肯定。內部以 +AI 與 AI+ 之雙策略基調,廣泛落地於金控內各個金融場景,涵蓋個人金融業務、法人金融業務,AML 業務、人壽業務與 HR 業務等。

    2005~2019 年間擔任中國信託商業銀行全球個金風險管理處處長,推動全球個人金融風險管理數位轉型發展,轉型後歷年資產品質皆為台灣第一,並布建國際個人金融風管理制度與經營,管理與布建區域包含中國、美國、加拿大、日本,菲律賓、印尼與泰國,熟悉各國金融相關法規。``🌟 王俊權``Friedman Wang````Executive Vice President``Opportunities and Limitations of +AI Transformation in Financial Industry (18:15~18:30)``Head of Data, R&D, CTBC BANK ``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:00-18:25 at Online Track 3

  • Artificial Intelligence...

    Gau-Jun Tang
    NYCU Hospital


    教授 國立陽明交通大學附設醫院 醫師 國立陽明大學附設醫院 首任院長 澳門科技大學醫學院 兼任教授 學歷:國立陽明大學 醫學系學士 美國約翰霍普金斯大學 公共衛生學院碩士 長庚及香港中文大學 APEMBA 碩士 經歷:1984-1987 臺北榮總麻醉部住院醫師 1988-1989 急診部及 ICU 進修 1990-1991 美國約翰霍普金斯醫院外科加護中心 1991-1995 臺北榮民總醫院重症加護主治醫師 1998-1998 美國匹茲堡大學 UPMC Starzl 移植中心 1999-2001 臺北榮民總醫院重症加護病室主任 2001-2007 署立宜蘭醫院院長 2007-2008 臺北市立聯合醫院忠孝院區院長兼代資訊室主任 2008-2011 陽明大學附設醫院院長 2011- 迄今 陽明大學醫務管理所教授 2019- 迄今 國立交通大學合聘教授 2020- 迄今 澳門科技大學醫學院兼任教授 學會:1999-2006 西太平洋重症醫學會秘書長 (Western Pacific Association of CCM) 2000-2002 台灣心臟救命術聯合委員會主任委員 2004-2006 台灣急救加護醫學會理事長 2010-2013 台灣重症醫學會理事長 2012- 迄今 中華醫學會重症醫學雜誌編審 (CN 11-6033/R) 專科證書:中華民國麻醉醫學會專科醫師台灣重症醫學專科醫師 歐洲重症醫學專科證書 (European diploma of Intensive Care)``🌟 唐高駿``Gau-Jun Tang````Superintendent``Artificial Intelligence facilitates Precise Treatment for the Critically Ill Patients``NYCU Hospital``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 20:20-20:45 at Online Track 1

  • The Rise of AI+ Healthc...

    Delos Capital

    Mr. Chen established Delos Capital in 2015 and is its Managing Partner. Based in Hong Kong, Delos Capital is a life sciences fund that finds, funds and foster innovation across its global network to help advance life sciences in the US and Greater China.

    Prior to establishing Delos, Mr. Chen was a Partner and Co-Head of Asia at Permira, a European private equity firm with global reach and a total committed capital of approximately €44bn.

    Prior to joining Permira in 2008, Mr. Chen spent nine years in Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs, where he was a Managing Director and co-headed the General Industrials Group, Asia (excluding Japan).

    Prior to that, Mr. Chen was a corporate finance lawyer with Davis Polk in New York and Hong Kong. In addition to founding and managing Delos Capital, Mr. Chen also is the CEO of Curamir Therapeutics Inc., a RNA-based oncology biotechnology company, and Tanvex BioPharma Inc., a US-based biopharma company listed in Taiwan.

    Mr. Chen holds Bachelor and Masters degrees from Harvard University and a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School.``🌟 Henry Chen ``````Founder & Managing Partner``The Rise of AI+ Healthcare in China``Delos Capital``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 18:30-18:55 at Online Track 1

  • Embedding AI as the Sus...

    Howard Hsieh
    CEO Office, Innolux Corporation

    謝禮宗目前服務於群創光電,擔任執行長辦公室技術總處長職務。2009 年加入群創時正值面板業最大的合併案:群創,奇美與統寶三合一。他帶領群創資訊部門,一方面支持營運成長,同時也完成新群創標準流程與系統收斂。2017 年以整合的 IT 架構為基礎,負責群創工業 4.0 的整合規劃與推動執行,並持續參與數位轉型任務至今。

    加入群創之前,他於 1996 年共同創業慧盟資訊並擔任總經理,協助企業客戶建置 ERP,SCM 以及 BI 解決方案。在此之前,他任職於資策會擔任產品開發工程師。他目前也在國立陽明交通大學攻讀博士學位。以下是他的聯絡方式;``🌟 謝禮宗``Howard Hsieh````Technical General Director``Embedding AI as the Sustainable Core Competence for Enterprises (18:00~18:15)``CEO Office, Innolux Corporation ``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:00-18:25 at Online Track 3

  • Retrospect and Prospect...

    Hsin-Hsi Chen
    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTU



    陳教授曾獲得 2007 年和 2012 年 Google Research Award、2008 年和 2009 年 Award of Microsoft Research Asia、2011 年國立臺灣大學電資學院學術貢獻獎、2011 年國立臺灣大學傑出校內服務獎、2017 年科技部傑出研究獎、2018 年和 2019 年國立臺灣大學教學優良獎、2018 年瑞軒科技講座教授、2019 年優良導師獎、以及 2019 傑出資訊人才獎。``🌟 陳信希``Hsin-Hsi Chen````Distinguished Professor``Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan AI Research Centers``Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTU``⏱️ 10/6 (Wed.) 19:15-20:20 at Online Track 1

  • Self-supervised Learnin...

    Hung-yi Lee
    Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

    Hung-yi Lee is currently an associate professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering of National Taiwan University (NTU), with a joint appointment at the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering.

    He received Ph.D. degree from NTU in 2012. From 2012 to 2013, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica.

    From 2013 to 2014, he was a visiting scientist at the Spoken Language Systems Group of MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). He gave 3-hour tutorial at ICASSP 2018, APSIPA 2018, ISCSLP 2018, Interspeech 2019, SIPS 2019, and Interspeech 2020.

    He is the co-organizer of the special session, New Trends in self-supervised speech processing, at Interspeech 2020, and co-organizer of the workshop, Self-Supervised Learning for Speech and Audio Processing, at NeurIPS 2020. He is a member of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (SLTC). He owns a YouTube channel teaching deep learning.

    The total number of views of the channel exceeded 6.9 million, and the number of subscribers reached 80,000.``🌟 李宏毅``Hung-yi Lee````Associate Professor``Self-supervised Learning and its applications to speech processing``Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 21:10-21:35 at Online Track 2

  • R&D Experience of Smart...

    James C.-H. Song
    BU12/QRI, Quanta Computer Inc.

    宋振華,國立交通大學博士,曾擔任哈佛大學訪問學者、工研院資通所正工程師,經理等職務,目前於廣達電腦擔任協理,有超過 20 年軟體研發的業界資歷。並曾獲得中國工程師學會「優秀青年工程師獎」,潘文淵基金會「考察研究獎」等多項專業獎項的肯定。


    基於 IT 軟硬體技術研發實力,廣達電腦期望為台灣醫療環境量身打造一套人工智慧醫療雲運算整合平台,結合醫療資訊、人工智慧技術與雲端運算技術,將 AI 技術與醫療研究結合,將可協助提升智慧醫療的效率與準確性,更進一步能夠協助醫療研究人員在醫學研究上能有更深更廣的突破,進一步推動智慧醫療在臨床上的建置與應用。``🌟 宋振華``James C.-H. Song````Associate VP.``R&D Experience of Smart Medical Products ``BU12/QRI, Quanta Computer Inc.``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 21:10-21:35 at Online Track 3

  • AI & IoT with Edge Comp...

    James Shih
    INTEL, Internet of Thing Group

    James works in INTEL for 18+ years and is now enabling IoT & AI Inference market with INTEL platforms.

    He was also responsible for embedded & tablet market enablement in Taiwan. Prior to INTEL, he was a senior communication and computer engineer in US high-tech company.

    James graduated from NCKU EE, and hold MS of Computer Engineering from USC & EMBA degree from NTU.``🌟 施敬修``James Shih````Sr. Director of Platform Application``AI & IoT with Edge Computing``INTEL, Internet of Thing Group``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 21:00-21:25 at Online Track 1

  • The Beauty and Sorrow o...

    Jyh-Shing Roger Jang

    張智星於 1992 年取得加州大學柏克萊分校的電機電腦博士,博士論文即在探討模糊邏輯與類神經網路的建模與應用。

    1993 年加入美國 Mathworks 公司,開發與 MATLAB 共用的模糊邏輯工具箱。

    1995 年回台於清華大學資訊系任教,並於 2012 年轉任台灣大學資訊系。

    2014-2017 擔任台大資工系副主任,2017-2019 年擔任台大醫院資訊室主任,2018 年起擔任台大金融科技研究中心主任,2020 年借調到玉山金控擔任科技長。

    研究專長在於機器學習之各項理論與應用,包含語音辨識、音樂檢索、文件分類、影像辨識、醫療數據與金融資料分析等領域。``🌟 張智星``Jyh-Shing Roger Jang````CTO``The Beauty and Sorrow of AI Projects in Financial Scenes``E.SUN FHC``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 20:35-21:00 at Online Track 1

  • AI Talent in Smart Manu...

    Ken J.S Lin
    TSMC/Manufacturing Technotogy RD Program
    TBDTBD``🌟 林建憲``Ken J.S Lin````Technical Manager``AI Talent in Smart Manufacturing of Semiconductor (18:30~18:45)``TSMC/Manufacturing Technotogy RD Program ``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:25-18:50 at Online Track 3
  • Retrospect and Prospect...

    Liang-Gee Chen
    Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
    現職:國立台灣大學電機工程學系 講座教授 曾任:工業技術研究院電子工業研究所所長、國家實驗研究院院長、國立台灣大學學術副校長與教育部政務次長及中華民國科技部長。 終身奉獻教育,為教育部終生國家講座,於 2001 年榮獲 IEEE Fellow 之殊榮,並於 2010 年獲頒世界科學院工程科學獎以及 2017 年獲頒美國家發明家學會 (NAI) 院士。2007 年開創台大創意創業學程,長期推動創新教育與創新創業,並以「創新的人生」一書鼓舞年輕人,是台灣科技新創推手。2017 協助政府發動 AI 科技戰略,讓台灣跟上 AI 科技的浪潮。``🌟 陳良基``Liang-Gee Chen````NTU Chair Professor``Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan AI Research Centers``Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University``⏱️ 10/6 (Wed.) 19:15-20:20 at Online Track 1
  • The anchor while both h...

    Luba Tang
    Skymizer Taiwan, Inc.

    Luba Tang is an internationally recognized expert on compiler optimization and virtual machine design. His research interests include both electronic system level (ESL) design, compilers, and virtual machines.

    He was the chief programmer of Starfish DSP simulator; the original writer of Marvell iterative compiler; the software architect of the MCLinker project – the fastest and smallest system linker in the world; and the architect of the ONNC project – the first heterogeneous architecture compiler for deep learning accelerators.

    He is the co-founder of the biggest and most professional engineer’s meet-ups – Hsinchu Code Serf’s Meeting, Cat System Workshop - in Taiwan.

    He is the found and CEO of the professional compiler company – Skymizer Taiwan Inc.``🌟 唐文力``Luba Tang````CEO``The anchor while both hardware and software are changing ``Skymizer Taiwan, Inc.``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 20:20-20:45 at Online Track 3

  • Paradigm Shift of Medic...

    Ming-Shiang Wu
    National Taiwan University Hospital

    Ming-Shiang Wu is the distinguished professor and superintendent in the National Taiwan University Hospital, and President of the Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan.

    Professor Wu graduated from the National Taiwan University College of Medicine in 1989, and obtained his PhD from the University’s Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine in 1998.

    After completing his internal medicine residency and gastroenterology training, he was appointed staff physician in the Division of Gastroenterology, National Taiwan University Hospital, in 1995.

    He has taught at his alma mater since then, gradually rising in the ranks to his present position, to which he was appointed in 2006. Professor Wu’s main areas of interest are Helicobacter pylori-associated gastroduodenal diseases and gastrointestinal malignancy. Author of more than 450 scientific papers and 3 book chapters, he is the members at the editorial boards of Gut and Gastric Cancer.

    He is the recipient of several academic research awards, including the Outstanding Research Award of Taiwan’s National Science Council & Ministry of Science & Technology (three times) and the Emerging Leader Award at the Asia Pacific Digestive Week 2008, for his contributions related to gastric carcinogenesis and the pathogenesis of H. pylori-related diseases.``🌟 吳明賢``Ming-Shiang Wu````Superintendent``Paradigm Shift of Medicine: from Shallow Medicine to Deep Medicine``National Taiwan University Hospital``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:00-18:25 at Online Track 2

  • FET on the Journey from...

    Peter Hu
    Information and Digital Transformation Technology Division, FET

    胡德民(Peter Hu)先生於 2021 年 8 月加入遠傳電信,擔任資訊暨數位轉型科技群執行副總經理一職,負責 5G 電信支援系統、企業資訊服務轉型、新一代數位用戶體驗、數位渠道發展以及遠傳「大人物(大數據、人工智慧、物聯網)」戰略的解決方案規劃與實踐。

    在加入遠傳之前,胡德民先生曾任台灣微軟專家技術部暨微軟技術中心總經理,並兼任微軟新創加速器執行長。在微軟服務 14 年期間,曾獲得微軟全球最佳開發平台產品經理獎、微軟全球員工卓越貢獻金獎 (Circle of Excellence Gold Club Award) 以及微軟全球最佳解決方案技術領袖獎 (Technical Solutions Excellence Award – Global Best STU Leader) 等榮譽。

    胡德民也曾經擔任 IBM 大中華區企業應用中台產品經理、精業公司專業技術服務事業群資深經理等職務。 胡德民出生於台灣,於 1997 年取得淡江大學資訊管理學位;他的經歷足跡遍及整個大中華區,平時閒暇的愛好是攝影與閱讀。

    Mr. Peter Hu joined FET in August 2021 as Executive Vice President of the Information and Digital Transformation Technology Division, where he is responsible for 5G telecom supporting systems, enterprise information technology services, the next generation of digital user experience, digital channel platform development, and the solution planning and implementation for the transformation strategy of "Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things".Prior to joining FET, Peter was the General Manager of Solutions Technical Unit and Microsoft Technology Center (MTC) of Microsoft Taiwan, and was also the leader of Microsoft Startups Accelerator Taipei.

    During his 14 years of service at Microsoft, he has received the Microsoft Global Best Developer Platform Product Manager Award, Circle of Excellence Gold Club Award, and the Technical Solutions Excellence Award – Global Best STU Leader. Peter has also worked for IBM Greater China Group as Product Manager of Application Middleware Platform, and Senior Manager of Professional Service Group of Systex. Born in Taiwan, Peter graduated from Information Management Department of Tamkung University in 1997.``🌟 胡德民``Peter Hu````Executive Vice President``FET on the Journey from Big Data to AI``Information and Digital Transformation Technology Division, FET``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:00-18:25 at Online Track 1

  • Making AI Trustworthy

    Pin-Yu Chen
    IBM Research AI; MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab; RPI-IBM AIRC IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA

    Dr. Pin-Yu Chen is a research staff member at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA. He is also the chief scientist of RPI-IBM AI Research Collaboration and PI of ongoing MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab projects. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, in 2016. Dr. Chen’s recent research focuses on adversarial machine learning and robustness of neural networks.

    His long-term research vision is building trustworthy machine learning systems. At IBM Research, he received the honor of IBM Master Inventor and several research accomplishment awards. His research works contribute to IBM open-source libraries including Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART 360) and AI Explainability 360 (AIX 360).

    He has published more than 40 papers related to trustworthy machine learning at major AI and machine learning conferences, given tutorials at IJCAI’21, CVPR(’20,’21), ECCV’20, ICASSP’20, KDD’19, and Big Data’18, and organized several workshops for adversarial machine learning.

    He received a NeurIPS 2017 Best Reviewer Award, and was also the recipient of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 GOLD Best Paper Award.``🌟 陳品諭``Pin-Yu Chen````Research Staff Member``Making AI Trustworthy``IBM Research AI; MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab; RPI-IBM AIRC IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 19:20-19:45 at Online Track 1

  • Deep Anomaly Detection ...

    Shang-Hong Lai
    Microsoft AI R&D Center, Taiwan

    Shang-Hong Lai received the Ph.D. degree from University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. He worked at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, as a member of technical staff during 1995-1999.

    Since 1999, he joined the Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, where he is now a professor there. Since the summer of 2018, Dr. Lai has been on leave from NTHU to join Microsoft AI R&D Center, Taiwan.

    He is currently a principal researcher at Microsoft AI R&D Center and leads a science team focusing on computer vision research related to face related applications. Dr. Lai’s research interests are mainly focused on computer vision, image processing, and machine learning.

    He has authored more than 300 papers published in refereed international journals and conferences in these areas. In addition, he has been awarded around 30 patents on his researches on computer vision.

    He has involved in the organization for a number of international conferences in computer vision and related areas, such as ICCV, CVPR, ACCV, ICIP, etc.

    Furthermore, he has served as an associate editor for Journal of Signal Processing Systems and Pattern Recognition.``🌟 賴尚宏``Shang-Hong Lai````Principal Researcher``Deep Anomaly Detection for Computer Vision Applications``Microsoft AI R&D Center, Taiwan``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 20:45-21:10 at Online Track 2

  • Retrospect and Prospect...

    Sheng-Fu Liang
    Institute of Medical Informatics, NCKU

    Sheng-Fu Liang (梁勝富) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in control engineering from the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1994 and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and control engineering from NCTU, in 2000.

    From 2001 to 2005, Dr. Liang was a Research Assistant Professor in Electrical and Control Engineering, NCTU.

    He joined the Department of Biological Science and Technology, NCTU, in 2005 and joined the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) and Institute of Medical Informatics (IMI), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, in 2006. He is currently a Professor in CSIE and the Director of IMI, NCKU.

    He is also the Director of AI Biomedical Research Center at NCKU, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan. Dr. Liang co-authored the best paper at Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) in 2005 and the distinguished technical paper at 2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).

    He also received the highly cited patent award from Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, in 2009, and Materials and Devices Joint Research Award from Network Joint Research Center and Dynamic Alliance, Japan, in 2020. Dr. Liang presently serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, and a Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member for the IEEE/CAS-EMB Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS).

    His research interests includes biomedical instrumentation and measurement, neural engineering, biomedical signal processing, medical informatics, and computational intelligence.``🌟 梁勝富``Sheng-Fu Liang````Director``Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan AI Research Centers``Institute of Medical Informatics, NCKU``⏱️ 10/6 (Wed.) 19:15-20:20 at Online Track 1

  • AI in Government

    Su,Chun-Jung (James)
    Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Executive Yuan

    Su,Chun-Jung(James) Deputy Minister, Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Executive Yuan EDUCATIONAL: Master of Computer Science / Boston University, USA、Bachelor of Statistics / National Chung Hsing University, R.O.C.(Taiwan). CAREER EXPERIENCES: 1.Deputy Minister / Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan. 2.Director-General / Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance. 3.Deputy Director-General / Financial Data Center, Ministry of Finance 4.Deputy Director / Department of Information Management of the RDEC, Executive Yuan. AWARDS AND HONORS: 2018 K. T. Li Breakthrough Award、2016 Republic of China (Taiwan) Presidential Innovation Award(groups)、2014 RFID Green Award、2013 Citizen Digital Certificate Application Award、2013 National Standardization Award、2012 Project Management Institute(PMI) Award、2012 Best Practice Award, PMI Taiwan、2011 FutureGov Public Sector Organization of the Year-North Asia、2011 3rd place, Outstanding E-government Project, eAsia Award 2011 EXPERTISE: ICT Innovative Service / Taiwan E-Governance Service / Public Human Resource Management``🌟 蘇俊榮``Su,Chun-Jung (James)````Deputy Minister``AI in Government``Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Executive Yuan``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:50-19:15 at Online Track 1

  • AI and Smart Manufactur...

    Tian-Sheng Wu
    Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC)

    吳天勝現職擔任漢翔航空工業公司研發長 經歷: 漢翔公司公司資訊處處長、中山科學研究院副研究員、航太複材製慧製造產創領航計畫計畫主持人、智慧漢翔 AI 推動計畫計畫主持人、智慧製造及智慧維修應用計畫計畫主持人、航太產業自動化整合技術科專計畫專案經理

    獲獎: 經濟部第 7 屆經濟部國家產業創新獎 (團隊類 - 創新領航獎) 經濟部『智慧機械金質獎(智慧製造類) 』109 年『傑出工程師獎』『中華民國十大傑出資訊人才獎』(Top 10 Outstanding IT Elite Awards) 『經濟部優秀人員獎』、『中華民國百大創新產品獎』『經國號戰機傑出貢獻獎』``🌟 吳天勝``Tian-Sheng Wu````Chief Technology Innovation Officer``AI and Smart Manufacturing in AIDC``Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC)``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:50-19:15 at Online Track 2

  • AI in Sports

    Tzyy-Yuang Shiang
    Institute of Exercise & Sport Science, National Taiwan Normal University
    • 台灣師大 運動競技學系 研究講座教授
    • 運動科技大聯盟 召集人
    • 國訓中心 運動科學 總召集人
    • 美國賓州州立大學 (Pennsylvania State University) 機械工程 (生物力學) 博士
    • 生物力學
    • 運動科學
      • Sports Biomechanics
      • Exercise & Sports Science
      • BioMedical Engineering
      ``🌟 相子元``Tzyy-Yuang Shiang````Distinguished Professor``AI in Sports``Institute of Exercise & Sport Science, National Taiwan Normal University``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 21:00-21:25 at Online Track 2
  • Trust in Artificial Int...

    Wayne Lai
    KPMG in Taiwan

    賴偉晏 (Wayne) 目前擔任 KPMG 安侯建業數位創新服務營運長,專精於企業數位轉型及創新科技應用、客戶體驗規劃設計、大數據分析應用策略、集團經營績效管理及相關應用系統導入實施。在擔任管理顧問期間,已成功協助眾多企業提升營運績效,透過數位轉型驅動新成長動能。

    同時,面對金融科技、5G、人工智慧應用、客戶年代下的企業轉型多元新興議題,Wayne 亦積極扮演產業意見領導者角色。

    加入 KPMG 前,Wayne 曾擔任中華電信業商業分析中心 (Business Analytic Competency Center) 業務發展總監,負責帶領資料科學團隊,以數據創造價值為核心,發展集團大數據整體策略,並規劃相關應用場景及產品,創造新獲利引擎。

    此外,過去亦曾擔任美商安麗策略規劃部門負責人,協助發展公司經營策略,並負責與全球國際總部策略接軌。目前並於多所大學擔任講師,講授創新科技、數位轉型大數據相關實務。``🌟 賴偉晏``Wayne Lai````Head of Digital``Trust in Artificial Intelligence``KPMG in Taiwan``⏱️ 10/8 (Fri.) 18:25-18:50 at Online Track 2

  • Brain Tumor Auto-Contou...

    Xiao, Furen
    Department of Neurosurgery, National Taiwan University Hospital

    EDUCATION AND TRAINING: National Taiwan University College of Medicine Taipei, Taiwan M.D. Medicine 1995 National Taiwan University Hospital Department of Surgery Taipei, Taiwan Residency Neurosurgery 2003 Stanford University Medical CenterStanford, CA, USA Fellowship Stereotactic Radiosurgery 2007. UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles, CA, USA Fellowship. Neurosurgery. 2009. Institute of Biomedical Engineering National Taiwan University MD Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering 2011 POSITIONS: Clinical Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of Surgery. Specializing in stereotactic radiosurgery, spine surgery and neurotrauma 2012-Present Neurosurgeon, National Taiwan University HospitalDepartment of Neurosurgery 2005-Present. Neurosurgeon, National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch. 2004-2005. Neurosurgeon, Yunlin General Hospital Department of Health 2003-2004 RESEARCH INTERESTS: •Stereotactic Radiosurgery •Brain tumor •Spine •Medical image analysis •Clinical data mining``🌟 蕭輔仁``Xiao, Furen```` Neurosurgeon``Brain Tumor Auto-Contouring Solution for Radiosurgery``Department of Neurosurgery, National Taiwan University Hospital``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 20:45-21:10 at Online Track 1

  • The Revolution of AI Us...

    Ying Zheng
    AiFi Inc

    Ying received her PhD in computer vision from Duke University and EMBA from Stanford GSB. She loves Taiwan and studied at National Tsinghua University for 3 months as a research scholar, sponsored by CURE (Hui-Chun Chin and Tsung-Dao Lee Chinese Undergraduate Research Endowment).

    While young, she attended worldwide programming contests, winning championships both nationally and internationally, recognizing her as one of the best programmers in the world. After working at Google and Apple as a senior research scientist, she co-founded AiFi, with a mission to bring ultimate efficiency and delight to shopping.

    She is leading AI Research team to develop cutting-edge technologies to automate all stores of the future as well as fundraising and retail executive business relations. She believes the best way to predict the future is to create it. She is enjoying doing that every day.``🌟 鄭影``Ying Zheng````Cofounder & President``The Revolution of AI Using Synthetic Data and How It Powers the Future of Shopping``AiFi Inc``⏱️ 10/7 (Thur.) 18:55-19:20 at Online Track 1

  • Retrospect and Prospect...

    Yu-Chee Tseng
    College of Artificial Intelligence, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

    Dr. Tseng has been awarded as NCTU Chair Professor (2011-present) and Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Chair Professor (2012-2013).

    He received Outstanding Research Award (National Science Council, 2001, 2003, and 2009), Academic Award (Ministry of Education), Best Paper Awards (ICPP 2003, iThings 2014, APNOMS 2015, and IoTaaS 2017), Elite I. T. Award (2004), and Distinguished Alumnus Award (Ohio State University, 2005), Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award (2009), TWAS Prize (2018), and National Chair Professorship (2020-2023).

    His research interests include mobile computing, wireless communication, and Internet of Things. Dr. Tseng is an IEEE Fellow.

    He served/serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and IEEE Internet of Things Journal. His h-index is more than 60.``🌟 曾煜棋``Yu-Chee Tseng````Dean``Retrospect and Prospect of Taiwan AI Research Centers``College of Artificial Intelligence, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University``⏱️ 10/6 (Wed.) 19:15-20:20 at Online Track 1